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Work shop in archery

Work shop in archery

Try and learn a little extra about archery

You will try different types of bows that appear on the market, or have seen in old movies.

At the same time, you will learn a little about the history of archery and bow-making methods.

Benny will show how he makes his longbows with simple tools, in case you would like to build your own bow.

The bows you get to try are 

equestrian bows that the Huns and Mongols used around the 8th century, 

longbows that were more widespread in present-day England, Sweden and Western Europe, 

modern recurve bows that are used in training and competition, and 

compound / hunting bows.

Dates: from June 16 to September 8, Sundays from 5 p.m. Advance registration is required.

Price 15 Euro/person for our guiests, 20 Euro for others